12/08/2019 / By S.D. Wells
What’s more vivid and real than a high-tech video game where you execute humans at close range over and over, with a gun shot to the head at point-blank range, or slit someone’s throat with a large knife with one deep slashing gash? Welcome to Hollywood’s latest “blockbuster” movie John Wick, the third chapter, where an assassin assassinates more than 100 ninja idiots in a pretentiously choreographed movie designed specifically to make killing human beings seem like it means absolutely nothing. Please tell us Hollywood and the Left, what’s causing all these real life mass shootings: the guns, the video games, the SSRI drugs, or just films like John Wick?
Actually, it’s the movies and the SSRIs, but we’ll cover that later. Back to the “Wicked Wick of the West.” Do you love watching blood and brains splatter on walls after people get shot Nazi-style in the front or back of the head from six inches away? Then you’ll love John Wick III. Wait ’til you see John Wick kill everybody (even those already too wounded to fight) with the most predictable, repetitive judo throws and the most hokey human shield exhibitions that you’ll ever witness.
The dialogue was even more ridiculous, if that’s even possible. It sounds as if every one-liner is just ad-libbed and made up on the spot. Is there really even a typed-up script or treatment for this? The lingo is so sophomoric you would think it’s some low-budget Indy film, but it features more Hollywood stars than a fully-seated row at the Academy Awards.
Never “stab the devil in the back” they say about John Wick, who’s “kill count” increased by 50 percent in Wick II to over 100 humans, and now for Wick III, the kills are too many to count. Yep, long guns, short guns, automatic rifles, semi-automatic rifles, and the most loading and reloading of clips you can even imagine. It will make you sick, unless of course you’re a teenage boy who loves the video games that look exactly like this, but still aren’t as vivid and virtual as Hollywood mixing it all down like real life! Just wow. Wick even falls from about ten stories high into the street and walks away uninjured. See, you too can be invincible.
How can we ever reduce all these real mass shootings, almost all done by young men on depression medications who love violent video games and excessively violent Hollywood films that depict “heroes” executing humans with every weapon the Left wants out of the hands of dangerous citizens? What’s the solution to all this violence in the inner-cities of America?
Nearly every Trump hater in America would willingly promote and watch a pay per view event of their “nemesis” executed on television, live. They promote extreme, violent hatred of anyone that doesn’t agree with their views. But we’re a little confused on the other end of the spectrum, so please explain: What’s causing the mass shootings across America again, was it the automatic guns, the video games, the SSRI psyche drugs, or is it the movie series John Wick?
Thanks to “Cinema Blend” fans can even look up the breakdown of how many guns Wick used to shoot people in the chest and head repetitively, plus the “kill count” breakdown of swords, knives, and other weapons used to shoot, slice and bludgeon people to death, including a huge, thick and old library book.
Watch out everybody, “Zero” and his gang might be coming for you next. Is this real life or the movies? Are you trapped in some real-life-video-game-film where people are executed every 10 seconds for 2 hours straight? Are you paranoid? Do you know the difference between playing your video game and going out in public with a weapon? We know, the movies are so real now and so ruthless. It seems nobody should be allowed to live that you don’t like, or that disagrees with and road-blocks your mission.
Do you ever feel like you’re cut off from the world when taking prescription medications? How about when people “unfriend” you or block you on social media, do you feel hopeless, helpless, and consumed by rage? John Wick knows. He’s been kicked out of the gang, the posse, and now he’s “ex-communicado.” This time, he’s joined forces with attack dogs that seem right out of “Sharknado,” that other fabulous film that ranks right up there with Wick III.
Are you the next real-life protagonist that the Left vilifies in order to confiscate all guns from “dangerous” Americans? John Wick also has killer horses that act on cue and execute his enemies, so maybe we should ban horses across America, before that becomes a weapon of mass destruction too, huh?
Be sure to avoid the John Wick franchise going forward, or you too might get brainwashed into thinking you can kill 150 people at close range and walk away unscathed. It sure did look like real life in that movie.
Tune in to Guns.news for more ways to figure out whether you’re watching a Hollywood movie, playing a video game, hallucinating from your anxiety medication, or really getting shot and stabbed in Chicago by someone who just watched John Wick.
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Tagged Under: cinema violence, double standard, gun control, gun violence, hatred, hollywood, hollywood hypocrites, hypocrisy, john wick, john wick chapter 3, john wick guns, john wick III, john wick kill count, mass shootings, mixed messages, Movies, propaganda, shootings, SSRI, violence