03/31/2021 / By Ethan Huff
The Chinese Communist Party (CCP) is milking to death a #StopAsianHate meme it launched after last week’s alleged false flag shooting spree in Atlanta.
The communist regime has shifted gears, though, from lambasting white people to now accusing the Uyghur Muslims it imprisons in concentration camps, as well as those who support them, of engaging “anti-Asian hatred” simply for opposing the CCP’s ongoing genocide of this minority religious group.
You read that right. Anyone who disagrees with the abuse and inhumane treatment of Uyghur Muslims by violent Chinese communists is “racist,” according to the CCP.
The Global Times, a Chinese state-run propaganda outlet, published a hate piece against the Uyghurs and their supporters, falsely accusing them of “racism” against “Asians” after a large protest broke out in the streets of Washington, D.C.
Calls were made at said rally for the communist Chinese regime to stop persecuting the Uyghurs, as well as for the rest of the world to acknowledge that the CCP is engaging in “genocide.” The CCP responded to this by accusing those who oppose Uyghur persecution of being “racist” against “Asians.”
“As a microcosm of Asian Americans’ predicament in the US, a #StopAsianHate rally in DC on Sunday clashed with protesters who support Xinjiang separatists,” the Global Times, a mouthpiece of the CCP, hilariously claims.
“The latter group shouted slogans such as ‘wipe out China,’ the very anti-China voice avidly promoted by extreme forces hostile to China in the US, which unfortunately led to anti-Asian hate wave in the US.”
According to the CCP, speaking out against communist China’s torture and murder of Uyghur Muslims represents “discrimination against Asian Americans,” which has seen a “surge” ever since President Donald Trump started referring to the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) as the “Chinese virus” and the “kung flu.”
The CCP went even further by categorizing all criticism of its known human rights abuses as “anti-Chinese sentiment.” To oppose genocide is to engage in “ideological prejudice against China,” the communist regime alleges.
“The so-called democracy and freedom are tools US politicians and institutions use to gain a sense of superiority and suppress other countries,” the Global Times further sneered.
Such rhetoric is prevalent among American leftists, by the way, who are notorious for accusing others of doing the evil things that they do. This tactic of turning the truth on its head and blaming the victim for the crimes of the perpetrator would appear to have Chinese origins.
The CCP also instructed the Global Times to publish praise for the Black Lives Matter (BLM) movement, which aims to “defund” the police and purportedly “end racism” against people with dark skin, or so we are told.
Ignoring its own nefarious presence as the world’s biggest, ugliest, and most oppressively totalitarian police state, communist China actually has the gall to now accuse the United States of harboring “hatred” and promoting “violence” by allowing people to protest against the CCP and its human rights abuses.
“China’s complaint that the Uyghur people protesting the genocide against them are ‘anti-Asian’ disregards the fact that East Turkestan – their native region that China refers to as Xinjiang – is squarely in central Asia,” Breitbart News writer John Hayward further points out about the CCP’s hypocrisy.
“Among the atrocities Uyghurs are currently enduring, Beijing has forced Uyghur women to live with Han Chinese men after their husbands were dragged off to concentration camps. Some in those concentration camps have been shipped across China by labor programs to keep them from marrying each other and raising children in their religious and cultural traditions. Many have been simply sterilized to keep their population down.”
More related news about communist Chinese propaganda and its negative influence on American leftists can be found at Propaganda.news.
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Tagged Under: #StopAsianHate, anti-Asian, CCP, China, Chinese Communist Party, communism, communist, deception, genocide, hating Asians, hypocrisy, insanity, labor camps, Muslims, propaganda, slave camps, slaves, Twisted, Tyranny, Uyghur, weaponized racism