04/06/2021 / By Ethan Huff
The left has come up with a new term known as “anti-racist” that it is using to shame those who are already not racist but are not necessarily involved in “anti-racism” activism. And the Merriam-Webster dictionary is going “woke” by crystallizing this newfound concept of anti-racism with an actual definition.
According to reports, Merriam-Webster now defines “color blindness” – meaning a person who does not see skin color and who treats everyone equally – as “racist” because it fails to actively affirm the concept of “anti-racism” through activism.
If you are someone who treats others as yourself, in other words, you are a “racist” because you must also affirm the tenets of the religion of “anti-racism.” According to Merriam-Webster, color blindness is “racism” and must be fought with more anti-racist activism.
“While [color blindness] can be used with positive connotations of freedom from racial prejudice, it often suggests a failure or refusal to acknowledge or address the many racial inequities that exist in society, or to acknowledge important aspects of racial identity,” the dictionary source now claims.
The examples used by Merriam-Webster are even worse, stating that true equality is not achieved by treating people equally, but rather by treating non-white people as better than white people.
“What I learned was that white parents often refrain from speaking with their children about race, racism and racial inequality,” reads a quote from someone named Megan R. Underhill that is included in the new Merriam-Webster dictionary definition for color blindness.
“If racial discussions do occur they are characterized by a colorblind rhetoric.”
This is unacceptable, according to Underhill, who believes that all white people should shame themselves and their children for not constantly talking about black and brown people as if they are perpetual victims of “systemic racism” and other such nonsense.
Dictionary.com currently does not have a “woke” definition like this for the word “colorblind.” The Cambridge Dictionary, however, does, explaining that one is less “evolved” than others if he is simply “colorblind” as opposed to “anti-racist.”
“As others have noted, any close scrutiny shows that the colorblind millennial is less evolved than we like to believe,” reads an example quote in the Cambridge Dictionary about colorblind people.
“Being truly colorblind would mean living in a world without any color,” reads another example also included from NPR.
Last summer, Merriam-Webster changed the definition of “racism” as well, redefining the word to exclude all black and brown people.
Only white people can be “racist,” according to Merriam-Webster, because black and brown people supposedly do not hold the “power” necessary to actually be racist. Black thugs can beat up elderly Asian women while calling them racial slurs, for instance, and still not be a “racist” because that black man is merely reacting to systemic racism caused by whites.
This twisted redefinition of the word “racism” is just another attempt by anti-white racists to marginalize people with light skin and make them perpetual aggressors. Everything white people do is now “racist,” including just having fair skin.
“When you control the language and vocabulary, you can control the thoughts that people are able to conceive and articulate,” wrote one commenter at The Right Scoop.
“Just wait until people start being accused of racism if they haven’t dated a person of another [race],” wrote another. “It’s happened to me already.”
Others pointed out that black people commit a disproportionately higher number of crimes compared to people of all other colors, yet this is almost never taken into consideration when talking about “systemic racism.”
More related news about the left’s obsession with race and skin color can be found at Twisted.news.
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Tagged Under: anti-racist, dictionary, Merriam-Webster, not racist, racist, social justice, woke