09/26/2021 / By Ethan Huff
Does your body have a built-in immune system that keeps you protected against disease? Not according to Kiera Butler of Mother Jones, who claims that natural immunity is a right-wing “conspiracy theory.”
Butler says she worries that “anti-vaxxers” are running wild with this “dangerous theory,” causing it to go mainstream. In her view, the only way to gain any immunity at all is to take Big Pharma “vaccines.”
“… the experts I talked to weren’t at all surprised to see these discredited ideas making the rounds,” Butler smugly wrote in her piece about those who believe in the conspiracy theory of natural immunity.
“[T]hey’ve seen them before in the anti-vaccination and extreme holistic medicine communities. This is the coronavirus edition of their pervasive belief in ‘natural immunity.'”
Butler went on to cite numerous “experts” from places like Johns Hopkins University (JHU) and Yale University to make it sound like people in the know have fully disproven the idea of natural immunity.
“We have heard from those that are concerned about vaccines the argument that they prefer to allow their immune system to be naturally exposed to a specific pathogen to gain immunity,” wrote one of them, JHU’s Rupali Limaye, in an email to Butler.
“It’s a spinoff of previous theories we’ve seen,” added another from Yale. “This is all the usual stuff.”
Butler’s suggestion that natural immunity is a fake concept invented by Trump supporters harmonizes with the World Health Organization’s (WHO) new position that immunity can only be achieved through injections.
According to the ruling elite, natural immunity does not exist. The only way for humans to live and survive is to take Big Pharma shots whenever they are pushed by politicians.
Eating healthy, getting natural sunlight, resting, drinking water, and taking vitamins and supplements, on the other hand, is also to be discouraged because it supports the natural immunity conspiracy theory.
According to Butler, alternative medicine groups that promote the idea “that eating the right foods or taking certain vitamins and supplements will strengthen the immune system” is a right-wing conspiracy, which she probably also thinks is tied to Russian hackers and bots.
Butler specifically called out Sally Fallon Morell of the Weston A. Price Foundation (WAPF) for promoting foods like coconut oil, bone broth and raw milk as immune-supportive “superfoods.” In Butler’s view, none of these things help to promote a healthy immune system.
“Just to be clear: This idea is patently false,” Butler declared. “[H]umanity has never seen the virus before, therefore our immune systems have no natural defenses against it.
According to Butler, people who reject her opinions have abnormal “fixations on ‘natural immunity,'” which she says is “not surprising.” She also claims that allowing herd immunity to come about naturally would be “catastrophic” because “millions of Americans would die in the process.”
Every single “expert” quoted in Butler’s article shares her opinions and biases, of course. All of them are apparently freaked out that the idea of natural immunity might catch on, leaving behind “messes” that will require “cleaning up … for years to come.”
“These people are really gaining a lot of traction, and that is worrisome,” lamented David Burghart, vice president of the anti-white Institute for Research and Education on Human Rights group, which claims that white people are largely behind the push in favor of natural immunity.
“We worry about these ideas making it into the mainstream,” he added, further claiming that he will have no choice but to try to fix this “problem” for many years to come.
The latest news stories about Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) insanity can be found at Fascism.news.
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Tagged Under: conspiracy, conspiracy theory, coronavirus, COVID, fake news, fascism, immune system, immunity, insanity, Journalism, Kiera Butler, left cult, Libtards, medical freedom, mother jones, natural immunity, Plandemic, propaganda, stupid, vaccines