11/02/2021 / By Ramon Tomey
Pastor Scott Lively looked back on his fight against an LGBT mafia, which traces its roots in Uganda, during the Oct. 27 edition of his Brighteon.TV program “Prophecy and Politics.” Lively’s actions in Uganda led to a six-year lawsuit, which was eventually dismissed.
The pastor has been on the receiving end of persecution by the LGBT movement for more than a decade. Nevertheless, Lively stands firm on his views about the movement. “I believe that the gay theology really is the heresy of the last days and that the phenomenon of rampant sexual perversion is an indicator of the closeness of ‘the end of the age.'”
A last-minute speaking engagement in 2002 led to Lively stepping into the Ugandan capital of Kampala. He served as a substitute speaker during the country’s national pro-family conference with 400 officials and religious leaders in attendance.
Lively returned to Uganda in 2009 upon the invitation of Stephen Langa of the Kampala Pentecostal Church. He served as a speaker for a three-day conference about LGBT during that year, this time with LGBT representatives in attendance. He also spoke before lawmakers in the Ugandan Parliament in 2009.
Five years after Lively’s appearance in Uganda’s legislature, President Yoweri Museveni signed the so-called “Kill The Gays Bill” into law. However, the Constitutional Court of Uganda overturned the law in August 2014 as it was apparently passed without meeting the required quorum.
Lively said because of his actions in Uganda, he has been attacked by different individuals and entities. Psychology professor Warren Throckmorton joined the ranks of the pastor’s staunchest detractors, even claiming that Lively was calling for forced therapy of homosexual couples in the African country.
“[It’s] absolutely not true [and] it was a mischaracterization at best. Overnight, I became an international pariah being accused of being the mastermind of the so-called ‘Kill The Gays Bill.'”
To make matters worse, the Ugandan LGBT activist organization Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG) filed a lawsuit against Lively in U.S. federal court in 2012. The New York-based Center for Constitutional Rights (CCR) assisted SMUG in filing the case. On the other hand, religious freedom nonprofit Liberty Counsel (LC) represented Lively in the 2012 lawsuit.
In June 2017, U.S. District Judge Michael Ponsor dismissed the suit citing a 2013 ruling by the U.S. Supreme Court. The 2013 ruling stated that the obscure Alien Tort Statute (ATS), which SMUG and CCR based their lawsuit on, was never intended to allow foreign citizens to sue Americans in U.S. court over alleged violations of international law.
“I thank God for His deliverance from this outrageous and malicious litigation, designed solely to silence my voice for biblical truth on LGBT issues and to cause me pain and suffering for daring to speak against the ‘gay’ agenda,” Lively said at the time of the case’s dismissal. He also thanked LC attorneys Horatio Mihet and Roger Gannam, alongside the group’s chairman Mat Staver. The pastor also thanked Ponsor for “overcoming his clear ideological bias enough to acknowledge the legal deficiency of SMUG’s case and bring it to a close.”
“That lawsuit lasted for six and a half years. The first four years of it were the actual trial, and then we had to file an appeal,” Lively recounted.
“This was [a] totally bogus lawsuit in the first place. They claim my First Amendment free speech activities in Uganda … such as my seminar and conversations with legislators so overwhelmed their own constitutional duty to make laws for their own country, that I was responsible for a bill that say caused harm to homosexuals in that country. You don’t lose your free speech in U.S. courts when you leave the the country.”
Lively explained why the LGBT mafia and their globalist backers have set their sights on Uganda. (Related: Dr. Scott Lively talks about the LGBT mafia’s oppression of Christians – Brighteon.TV.)
“Uganda actually has a Christian government for quite some time. The country is very morally conservative. However, there had been this sudden rise of sexual perversion. All of a sudden, there was pornography popping up in the form of topless women in the news paper. [The] sexual revolution was being pushed on the Ugandan people, and it never happened before. The long and the short of it is: Uganda had become a major threat to the globalist agenda,” Lively said.
“This was happening in Uganda because [it] had largely conquered its AIDS problem by not following the globalists’ condom approach – which is part of the sexual revolution. It’s part of the promotion of the legitimization of fornication. Instead, they were using abstinence before marriage and fidelity in marriage. By having the Christian sexual ethic, at the core of their response, they went from having the highest to the lowest level of AIDS in all of Africa.”
Lively noted that sexual revolution is central to the to the system of breaking down the resistance of the nations to a one world government.
“If you have a strong family network in a society, people are going to be far more independent and self-sufficient. So you have to break down the family and the way you do that is with sexual promiscuity. Heterosexual promiscuity, mostly, and then more and more extreme perversions,” he said.
“That’s really what the LGBT agenda does. It pushes heterosexual promiscuity first, in order to pave the way for the acceptance of same-sex relationships and other things – trans-sexuality and all that. And they were at a very early stage of it there.” (Related: The LGBT movement’s destructive history and legacy.)
Watch the full Oct. 27 episode of “Prophecy and Politics” below. Catch “Prophecy and Politics” with Scott Lively every Wednesday at 4-5 p.m. on Brighteon.TV.
Resist.news has more articles about people such as Scott Lively pushing back against the LGBT mafia.
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Tagged Under: Brighteon.tv, federal lawsuit, First Amendment, gender, globalist agenda, homosexual agenda, Kill The Gays Bill, LGBT agenda, LGBT mafia, Prophecy and Politics, Scott Lively, Uganda