News & Articles By Ethan Huff
By Ethan Huff
AP abandons facts, demands all media outlets play along with transgender pronoun insanity
The Associated Press (AP) has added a new “Topical Guide” for transgender coverage to its style manual that urges media reporters, journalists and writers to cater to the ever-changing language demands of the transgender cult. The guide calls for “unbiased language” to be used in articles, for instance, meaning every trans pronoun – including “they” […]
By Ethan Huff
WHO declares monkeypox a “global health emergency” with just FIVE deaths in the world and 99% of cases afflicting homosexuals
World Health Organization (WHO) Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus has decided to declare monkeypox, aka PridePox, a “global health emergency” even though less than half a dozen people have supposedly died worldwide, not to mention the fact that nearly every “case” of the diseases involve homosexual behavior. Rather than simply tell men who prefer sexual relations […]
By Ethan Huff
Birx admits she and Fauci made up “the science” on social distancing, lockdowns
Just about everything that was forced on Americans throughout the Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) plandemic came from “science” that Deborah Birx says she and Tony Fauci made up on the fly. Birx recently wrote a book that contains numerous admissions about the crimes she committed while working as Donald Trump’s Covid-19 Task Force adviser, one of […]
By Ethan Huff
Government coverup of covid jab injuries just like USSR coverup of Chernobyl radiation damage
A few years after the horrific incident occurred, the radioactive fallout from the Chernobyl disaster was discovered by an independent journalist to have been much worse than what governments originally claimed. Today, we are seeing a similar type of mass coverup concerning the health damage caused by Wuhan coronavirus (Covid-19) “vaccines.” What happened back then […]
By Ethan Huff
Lawsuit filed against Fauci, Biden regime hacks for colluding with Big Tech to suppress free speech
A federal judge has ordered the Biden regime to comply with discovery requests pertaining to a new lawsuit against White House chief medical adviser Tony Fauci, Surgeon General Vivek Murthy, and others who are accused of conspiring with Big Tech to trample people’s First Amendment rights online. The legal filing says government officials worked quietly […]
By Ethan Huff
NOT Canceled: ReAwaken America Tour changes venues in Rochester, Klaus Schwab invited to speak about Great Reset
There is a whole lot of misinformation flying around about ReAwaken Tour America’s upcoming event in Rochester, which the fake news media is falsely claiming was canceled. In an update – watch below – Clay Clark explains to Gen. Flynn and several others on his show that the event is still happening but just needs […]
By Ethan Huff
The Dutch government’s claim that nitrogen is a “pollutant” relies on the same junk science fiction as vaccines and climate change
According to the globalists running The Netherlands, nitrogen, a naturally occurring element that both plants and animals need in order to grow and reproduce, is a “pollutant” causing “global warming.” And at least one Dutch scientist is speaking out against such nonsense. Jaap Hanekamp does not accept his government’s claim that nitrogen is polluting the […]
By Ethan Huff
San Francisco has run out of monkeypox vaccines but won’t tell gays to stop having anal intercourse to stop the “uncontrolled” spread
The world’s most poop-smeared city is losing control of the monkeypox virus, which is reportedly spreading uncontrolled among its homosexual population. San Francisco’s Department of Public Health (DPH) tweeted that after running out of vaccines for monkeypox, it had to close down its walk-in clinic for the rest of the week. Other clinics throughout the […]
By Ethan Huff
UK authorities now trying to target CHILDREN with monkeypox vaccines, even though monkeypox is primarily spread through gay sexual behavior
In a mad rush to unleash another round of mystery “vaccine” injections from Big Pharma, the powers that be are once again using children as an excuse to drive fear and hysteria over so-called “monkeypox.” In the United Kingdom, public health officials claim that children will become infected with the gay disease in large numbers […]
By Ethan Huff
KILLING is okay if you’re TRIGGERED: Charlestown High School in Boston tells students that assassination is a legitimate way to resist “oppression”
Immigrant children fresh from Central and South America, the Caribbean and China are now being taught at a Boston public school that assassinating people you don’t like is sometimes appropriate in order to resist “oppression.” Humanities teachers at Charlestown High School who are part of the Sheltered English Immersion program are reportedly telling ninth- and […]
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