News & Articles By JD Heyes
By JD Heyes
Medical journals now CENSORING all science that documents vaccine adverse reactions
Since the COVID-19 pandemic began, this publication has provided ample documentation and evidence that the globalist elites are using to fundamentally alter Western democracies in ways they never could legislatively. One way has been to use the virus as a means of curbing civil liberties and constitutionally protected freedoms to limit individualist activity and force […]
By JD Heyes
World Bank calls for global ban on vehicles with combustion engines, oblivious to the reality that electric vehicles aren’t a viable alternative
There is no better recent example of how out of touch the global ruling elite is with ordinary citizens than the call to phase out the most reliable form of transportation over the past century in favor of a mode of transport that is far more expensive and far less reliable because the infrastructure doesn’t […]
By JD Heyes
Dutch journalist in Ukraine says Western media regularly lie about what is happening on the ground
A Dutch journalist who has been covering Russia’s invasion of Ukraine says the Western media is routinely lying about what is actually taking place in the war-torn country in an effort to maintain a “blame Moscow” narrative. As reported by News Punch, Sonja van den Ende, an independent journalist from Rotterdam, Netherlands, said the Western media […]
By JD Heyes
Media trying to incite another subway shooter following act of terrorism in New York City by racist hater of whites
The large national legacy media in America have long ceased to be tools used to inform the public and keep pressure on our elected officials, as it was founded to do. Instead, USA Today, The New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, NBC, ABC, CBS, and others are little more than propaganda outlets for the […]
By JD Heyes
See the full list of 51 deep state “intelligence” officials who lied about Hunter Biden’s laptop to try to defeat Trump in 2020
If any reasonable, thinking American doubted the existence of a “deep state” before Donald Trump became president, they were treated to a four-year object lesson in just how real it is. Trump, the ultimate outsider candidate who had no political skeletons, was too popular to be canceled, and could not be bought off because he was […]
By JD Heyes
Yale Law School prof sounds alarm, says rule of law collapsing in U.S. as ‘woke’ institutions produce grads who shun facts for popular opinion
America’s legacy institutions of higher learning have been completely transformed into dens of Marxist indoctrination, thanks to decades of infiltration by left-wing revolutionaries who hate America as founded and legitimately want to eliminate the Constitution and implement an authoritarian model in its place. As such, the Marxist left has focused a great deal of this […]
By JD Heyes
CLIMATE LOCKDOWN: Globalists are exploiting oil price spikes to push for greater population control with “10-point plan” that includes bans on travel
The globalists, like the Democrat Party in the U.S., never lets a good crisis go to waste, using each one to push their agenda of suppression and population control just a little further down the field. In a “10-Point Plan to Cut Oil Use” – a long-held objective of the globalists is to get rid […]
By JD Heyes
Ukraine transforms into authoritarian dictatorship overnight as Zelenskyy bans 11 political parties and seizes media control
With Russian forces advancing on his country’s major cities, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s first tendency has been to become an authoritarian leader even as he pleads for international assistance under the guise that his country yearns for “freedom” and “democracy.” According to reports this week, Zelenskyy banned 11 political parties he said showed some loyalty to […]
By JD Heyes
Leading “fact-checker” falsely claimed that Hunter Biden’s laptop story was a hoax
It has become patently obvious that the role of the left-wing mainstream media’s “fact-checkers” isn’t to actually check facts but rather to serve as another means of merely validating the lies and propaganda that the mainstream media outlets publish. That point was driven home again last week following a report in The New York Times that […]
By JD Heyes
NY Times, other “mainstream” outlets, called out for failing to retract fake news claiming Hunter Biden laptop was “Russian disinformation”
Though many Americans already knew that the “mainstream” media leaned heavily to the left prior to Donald Trump’s 2016 presidential election victory, a much larger number of Americans were convinced of it after he was driven from office by the deep state. Even before he took office, all of the major outlets published one phony story […]
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