News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
Collusion coverup: Department of Justice intervenes in Pfizer fraud case, in a corrupt attempt to shut the case down
Story at a glance: (summary by “Neo” LLM via Brighteon.AI) – The United States Department of Justice (DOJ) is attempting to shut down the Pfizer fraud case scheduled for April 17. – The lawsuit alleges that Pfizer-BioNTech violated the False Claims Act during their clinical trials and knowingly delivered a defective product to the world. […]
By Lance D Johnson
Climate change data is based on FRAUD, and scientists around the world are pushing back against the narrative
In an attempt to save the world from “climate change,” the United States government is spending trillions of dollars on multiple projects that rely on dishonest marketing tactics, money laundering schemes, insider trading and crony capitalism. At the root of the climate crisis hysteria is data FRAUD, and scientists around the world are pushing back […]
By Lance D Johnson
Green billionaires and climate activists pay off Hollywood writers to push climate doom propaganda in movies
A group of climate activists from Los Angeles, California are teaming up with climate billionaires to control Hollywood scripts and promote climate doom propaganda through movies and television. The climate activist group – which goes by the name “Good Energy” – is looking to partner with Hollywood writers to infuse climate change narratives into movie […]
By Lance D Johnson
The six-foot social distancing rule was nothing but FRAUD weaponized against the people, and its architects are finally being exposed
When former President Donald Trump gave the national podium to Dr. Anthony Fauci in March of 2020, a bizarre edict was presented to the public — an edict that would go on to generate mass hysteria and societal upheaval. This authoritarian new edict – the six-foot social distancing rule – was pushed onto the American […]
By Lance D Johnson
More and more climate scientists favor HIGHER CO2 levels because they benefit plant life
When weather events naturally occur, the climate change cult correlate the hurricanes, wildfires, heat waves and floods with an abstract concept called climate change. Scary climate change propaganda permeates the airways, and we’re never quite doing enough as a collective to solve this crisis! Carbon dioxide is portrayed as the boogeyman, the ultimate pollutant bringing […]
By Lance D Johnson
Millions of people with natural immunity were given COVID jabs due to baseless CDC recommendations that lacked supporting data
After enduring the 2020 coronavirus pandemic, tens of millions of survivors who inevitably achieved natural immunity, were ultimately manipulated to take part in a series of unnecessary vaccine experiments. This is the conclusion of a new Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request that exposed the CDC’s recommendations as baseless and lacking underlying data. We were […]
By Lance D Johnson
Never forget: The coronavirus pandemic, the government’s totalitarian actions, and the media’s propaganda were scripted back in 2019
At the 2019 Trinity Health Freedom Expo in Chicago, IL, an expert panel of speakers discussed the very real possibility of upcoming vaccine mandates and vaccine passports for travel. What sounded like conspiracy theory at the time, turned out to be reality just a few months later, when the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a […]
By Lance D Johnson
VACCINE JIHAD: Israeli child used for Pfizer’s covid vaccine propaganda DIES of a sudden heart attack at age 8
There’s nothing normal about an eight-year-old child suddenly having a heart attack and then dying at home in the bathroom. This was the tragic fate of Yonatan Moshe Erlichman, an Israeli boy who was “fully vaccinated” by the Pfizer organization and then used as a prop in a national campaign to push COVID-19 jabs into children. […]
By Lance D Johnson
Biden regime now gaslighting the public, claims they never issued vaccine mandates and it’s only in your imagination
It wasn’t long ago when federal officials were calling for mask mandates, covid-19 test requirements, vaccine mandates and vaccine passport systems that challenged body autonomy rights and threatened our basic right to travel and assemble. These rogue officials sought to segregate “unvaccinated” individuals from society and implemented coercive policies that terminated employees from the workplace […]
By Lance D Johnson
Nobel Prize in Medicine awarded to two mRNA developers, whose technology has been used to kill millions
The Nobel Peace Prize is being weaponized to promote one of the greatest vaccine failures of our time and one of the most injurious and deadliest medical experiments to ever be forced onto the global population. The 2023 Nobel Prize in Medicine was recently awarded to two of the scientists who helped develop the mRNA […]
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