News & Articles By Lance D Johnson
By Lance D Johnson
Fauci, Walensky and the U.S. government knew that covid jabs were causing myocarditis and blood clots in early 2021, but hid this from the public
On August 29, 2023, the U.S. government was forced to release 472 pages of emails dated February 1, 2021 through May 31, 2021. During this timeframe, the federal government carried out their liability-free contracts with Pfizer, Moderna, and Johnson & Johnson, and disseminated their first round of experimental mRNA spike protein, which they claimed was […]
By Lance D Johnson
Bill Gates suddenly abandons climate doom narrative as populations push back against globalism
Bill Gates, author of “How to Avoid a Climate Disaster,” spent the last decade warning audiences that the world is overpopulated and subject to impending climate doom. In order to save the planet, Bill Gates says we must achieve “zero net carbon emissions by the year 2050.” Meanwhile, Gates continues to traverse the world in […]
By Lance D Johnson
American Beverage Association pays health and wellness influencers to deceive the public about aspartame
As more consumers learn about the toxicity of artificial sweeteners and switch to natural alternatives like stevia, the American Beverage Association was caught running a “Safety of Aspartame” campaign that intentionally deceives the public. The propaganda campaign pays off health and wellness influencers, dieticians, and doctors to promote processed foods and toxic chemicals (aspartame) that […]
By Lance D Johnson
CDC accidentally admits common masks are totally useless against COVID virus and other infections
For the fourth year in a row, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommends that individuals comply with strict public masking protocols to “prevent the spread of COVID-19.” Even after the expiration of the federal government’s Public Health Emergency Declaration on May 11, 2023, the CDC still recommends universal masking for everyone 2 […]
By Lance D Johnson
Global warming scare campaigns no longer use polar bears as props because polar bears are THRIVING
Global warming theory first became popularized when science publishers began to circulate pictures of polar bears dying in arctic waters, surrounded by melting icebergs. This visual of dying polar bears was etched in the public consciousness for years, driving climate activism, scientific funding, and political agendas. This wouldn’t be the first time that human empathy […]
By Lance D Johnson
Fauci’s replacement, Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, also loves lockdowns, medical fraud, mask mandates and forced vaccinations
The National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases (NIAID) is about to get a new director, a new face to promote “The Science.” Dr. Jeanne Marrazzo, a staunch supporter of the covid-19 medical police state and censorship regime, replaces Dr. Anthony Fauci at the helm of the NIAID. Despite the face change, nothing will really […]
By Lance D Johnson
The global depopulation agenda is more organized and well-funded than ever before in world history
Back in 1974, the U.S. government and other multinational interests grew concerned about worldwide population growth and how it implicates U.S. security and overseas interests. The declassified Kissinger Report unveils high-level, diabolical plans for population control and uncovers the government’s sinister intent for depopulation efforts in the U.S. and abroad. This grisly gambit of controlling […]
By Lance D Johnson
CDC to start pushing ANNUAL mRNA COVID “vaccine” injections to accelerate depopulation
Showing no remorse for the damage inflicted by the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccines, the new director for the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) – Dr. Mandy Cohen – is already pushing for ANNUAL mRNA jabs. This is the “science” of vaccination on full display. These jabs are going to be required every year because […]
By Lance D Johnson
HUGE: The CDC has been manipulating ICD codes on death certificates to conceal the fact that covid vaccines are a common cause of death
An undercover journalist obtained all the death certificates from Minnesota dating back to 2015 and took a closer look at the ICD codes (International Classification of Diseases) that were assigned by the CDC. It turns out that the CDC has been manipulating the ICD codes to conceal the fact that covid vaccines are a cause […]
By Lance D Johnson
Peer-reviewed studies suggest that cardiovascular deaths from mRNA jabs are largely under-reported
Pharmaceutical propaganda continues to reassure the public that covid-19 vaccines are SAFE, but the truth about the #DiedSuddenly holocaust is all around us, no matter how hard the corporate media tries to gaslight us. Peer-reviewed studies from Japan, Qatar, and Korea suggest that cardiovascular death from Pfizer and Moderna’s mRNA jabs has gone largely under-reported. […]
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