News & Articles By News Editors
By News Editors
Washington Post deletes tweet stating ‘Waukesha tragedy’ was ’caused by a SUV’
The Washington Post on Thanksgiving deleted their disgraceful tweet stating the “Waukesha tragedy” was “caused by a SUV.” (Article by Chris Menahan republished from “We’ve deleted a previous tweet for this story that included language that was changed after publish,” the Post said. The new tweet carries a similarly detached headline reading: “What we know so far […]
By News Editors
People long drowning in a sea of misinformation are slowly awakening as ‘cognitive dissonance’ strikes hard & the globalist ‘Orwellian doublethink’ masks melt away
According to this entry over at Wikipedia on ‘cognitive dissonance’, in the field of psychology, ‘cognitive dissonance’ is the perception of contradictory information…two (or more) actions or ideas that are not consistent with each other…triggering discomfort within the individual…who then tries to find a way to resolve the contradictory information which is a battle between their original beliefs […]
By News Editors
Why is Trump given a hall pass on killer injections?
The “vaccines” now being forced on the global population are shaping up to be perhaps the most successful eugenics program in human history, and the scam of the century is that these shots are being sold as a treatment that will keep you healthy, wink, wink. (Article republished from Even the CDC has admitted […]
By News Editors
Australian northern territory chief minister states he is not harming aboriginal people, he is protecting them with forced vaccinations
“If you had only made me a better sandwich, I would not have been forced to slam you into the kitchen cabinets.” Unfortunately, that phrase -or a similar version thereof- has been heard by a number of people reading this update on the happenings in Australia. If you understand the mindset, the sentiment expressed needs […]
By News Editors
If you look at the facts, ‘Omicron variant’ hype is ridiculous and staged for leftist implementation of more control
We’ve written about it often here at CDMedia — the Left would have to ‘stage’ another virus in order to re-lockdown the country and install further control measures to stay in power and continue their destruction of the Western world. The new ‘Omicron Variant’ narrative would be comical if the consequences were not so serious […]
By News Editors
‘Puzzling’ surge in heart disease among soccer players is a ‘coincidence,’ media reports
The “puzzling” surge in heart disease among soccer players is just a “coincidence,” so says the media. (Article by Chris Menahan republished from From The Daily Mail, “‘It’s terrifying but it’s a COINCIDENCE’: Leading cardiologist says footballers should not panic after five high-profile collapses – but insists all players need to be checked throughout their 20s and 30s”: […]
By News Editors
5 Times Donald Trump encouraged his supporters to receive mRNA or viral vector DNA injections since leaving the White House
Everyone denies idolatry in their own lives. Their “guys” and “gals” are good people, while the other guys and gals are evil and wrong. Idolatry is the driving force behind obedience and adherence to The Great Reset/New World Order. (Article republished from President Barack Obama was known as “deporter-in-chief” to prominent Latino organizations throughout […]
By News Editors
New variant hysteria comes from same institution that popularized lockdowns & previous COVID scares
What a small world we live in. The “Nu variant” scare you keep hearing about is coming from the same people and institutions that spawned the last COVID scare, and the one before that, and the one before that one, dating back all the way to the onset of COVID Mania. (Article by Jordan Schachtel […]
By News Editors
Devastating new Jan. 6 footage: Retired general defies media, confirms BLM, Antifa both at Capitol break-in
In the aftermath of Jan. 6, the FBI suggested there was no evidence of Black Lives Matter or antifa members participating in the events. However, many Americans with knowledge of the events questioned this suggestion. (Article by Grant Atkinson republished from In “Capitol Punishment,” Jan. 6 attendees tell the true story of that day instead of […]
By News Editors
Wikipedia contemplates deleting article on ‘mass killings under communist regimes’
Wikipedia has asked its users to weigh in on the platform’s article discussing “Mass killings under Communist regimes.” (Article by Autumn Johnson republished from The article discussed mass killings perpetrated by communist regimes throughout the 20th century, including the Soviet Union, China, and Cambodia. Two warnings appear on the article, one asking for comments on the possible […]
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