News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
GOT CLOT SHOT CARDITIS? Myocarditis commercial for CHILDREN conveniently leaves out the most likely cause
Is your child suffering from Pfizer-carditis? He or she is not alone. In fact, millions of children around the world suddenly develop a severely inflamed heart after getting the Fauci Flu shot, and the medical industry just can’t seem to figure out why. Actually, they know, and it’s made more than obvious with the latest […]
By S.D. Wells
The POWER of the RIGHT question: The best questions about elections, vaccines, prescription medications, and food ingredients yield the best answers
How ironic that the Democrats running the country right now are persecuting anyone and everyone who questions the validity of the 2020 election, when they spent 4 long years questioning the 2016 election, using every tool in the box, including attempted impeachment, and of course, the daily news-splattered Trump-Russia collusion hoax. Now, the Democrats in […]
By S.D. Wells
DOUBLE STANDARD: MSM misinformation stays up on YouTube indefinitely while truth media is labeled “disinformation” and gets censored, even when true
The arbiters of so-called ‘misinformation’ and ‘disinformation’ of recent years are so far from impartial that they actually censor the truth about vital topics, even when undeniable proof exists. This is happening extensively in the arenas of health, safety, economics and national security. Fake news dominates the dissemination of nearly all news about these subjects, […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 8 WORST INVENTIONS of the past century that decimate people’s health and safety
Throughout history, there are amazing inventions that improve our world, our lives and help us evolve. Some of those inventions, though, are utilized for evil purposes. Then, there are inventions that simply were designed for evil purposes, and that’s what this research reveals about 8 inventions that destroy people’s mind and body, and put their […]
By S.D. Wells
SHOCKER: Breast Cancer Awareness “Month” was concocted as joint venture between Imperial Chemical Industries and American Cancer Society to push mammograms and chemotherapy
Pinkwashing is a form of marketing by supposed “anti-cancer” organizations who use pink ribbons and logos everywhere to raise funds that usually pay exorbitant salaries of those running the “show.” The saddest part is that most of the corporate-run ‘foundations’ promote cancer treatments and screenings that actually cause cancer and spread cancer, so what good […]
By S.D. Wells
It’s always OPPOSITE DAY for the LEFTISTS in America: Liberal means intolerant, anti-fascist means fascist, and equality means hate white people
When Antifa became a movement in America, most of the protesting they engaged in involved acts of violence, including riots, arson, assault, vandalism, theft, rape and murder. Their name, Antifa, is short for anti-fascist, yet, everything they stand for IS fascist. Antifa’s foundation is based on hatred, tyranny, intolerance, inequality and contempt for the Republic […]
By S.D. Wells
Booking producer at FOX Business News resigned over COVID VAX tyranny, refused to comply with illegal NYC mandate Fox Corp was enforcing
While all of her cohorts at Fox News had received the Fauci Flu jabs and were spreading COVID all over the workplace, Breanna Morello thought the semi-conservative network wasn’t part of the liberal wasteland that denies people medical choice, but she was wrong. With dreams of producing the Tucker Carlson show, Breanna Morello had relocated to […]
By S.D. Wells
Are you or a loved one SUFFERING from allopathic syndrome? There’s a CURE
Prescription medications, since their conception in the early 1900s, were designed to quell or eliminate pain and/or symptoms of sickness, but were never meant to cure anything. By the mid-1900s, vaccines were concocted to con people into believing that infectious diseases could be totally prevented and wiped away, so everyone would be “saved” from polio, […]
By S.D. Wells
Grooming CHILDREN for gender-fluid drag while embracing SATANISM is now Disney’s main focus for producing “entertainment”
Disney bought America’s children’s fantasies alright, then turned them into demon-worshippers, Satan’s lovers and drag queens. Now, Disney movies literally indoctrinate children to believe that Satan is raping teenagers, getting them pregnant, abandoning them, then coming back for their souls later, including the ‘anti-Christ’ child. That’s the premise of the new “Little Demon” movie, where […]
By S.D. Wells
The 9 MOST SHILLING vaccine-pushing freaks and propagandists of the Wuhan flu scamdemic
Besides taking over Washington DC, there was no greater goal for the pharma-backed shills than to coerce 270 million or more Americans into getting “flu shots” that cause more health detriment than every other existing disease and disorder combined. In fact, Spike Protein Syndrome is sweeping the nation. These toxic, so-called “vaccines” for Fauci Flu […]
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