News & Articles By S.D. Wells
By S.D. Wells
TOTAL CONTRADICTION: CDC’s Director Dr. Walenski tells America Covid vaccines are effective, then says the vaccinated can spread Covid and need to wear masks again
Walk it back. Retract it. Memory hole it. Delete it. That’s what the freaks in control of the Covid plandemic do every day with their “advice” and “rules” for functioning in the midst of the not-so-deadly-after-all China Flu. It was all about getting 70 percent of America vaccinated for death-by-blood-clot preparation, but they only reached […]
By S.D. Wells
Entire vaccine theory OBLITERATED as Biden promises you can’t catch Covid if you get the vaccination, so then how can unvaccinated people be any threat to the vaccinated?
If the Covid vaccines really work, then everyone who gets them should not ever be worried about catching it from anyone who doesn’t get the jab. The installed fake president Joe Biden said, “You’re not going to get Covid if you have these vaccinations.” So if vaccines protect you 100 percent, why does it matter […]
By S.D. Wells
Anywhere pharma advertises, expect to be LIED TO about health and safety
America was built on advertising. Nearly every popular product today is promoted on television, in magazines, on billboards or on the internet by companies and corporations that pay millions of dollars for marketing ads. The people who own and run those lavishly rich companies and corporations make a fortune off customers in two ways. The […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 7 LIES about health and safety over 200 million Americans believe today
As an American, no matter how smart you are, you’ve been brainwashed since you were a child to believe that the human immune system is very frail, from birth to death, and that you need at least 75 vaccines just to stay alive. As an American, you have been brainwashed to believe that any ailment, […]
By S.D. Wells
DELTA DEATH JAB: Here comes the “Delta Variant” narrative to use FEAR to drive people into the mass-blood-clotting “kill shot”
Beware of the common cold engineered in a laboratory, as it can kill you. If you are suffering from cancer, diabetes, obesity, heart disease, strokes or dementia, you may be a very strong candidate for death by vaccine. If your immune system is compromised (200 million Americans), you may be at elevated risk of dying […]
By S.D. Wells
CNN pushes Delta Variant as SUPER SCARY, claiming teenagers and kids need the dangerous, blood-clotting, heart-inflaming covid vaccine
It’s twice as deadly and a-hundred-times as contagious as Covid-19, explains a vaccine-making shill on the Counterfeit News Network. Run for your lives, the Delta Variant is coming! Return to your chemically-disinfected “safe” homes, lock yourself down forever with lots of toilet paper and anti-bacterial everything, and be sure wear your mask at all times, […]
By S.D. Wells
Top 6 ways to know the “Delta Variant” is just part of the planned SCAMDEMIC sweeping across America
Once you understand how fake news and big pharma function, it’s almost ludicrous watching it all unfold before your very eyes. The motives and ‘end goals’ are no longer a secret, and the narrative is becoming more absurd, yet more believable to the masses, because a few billion sheeple are already injected with dementia-creating inoculations. […]
By S.D. Wells
Covid “Delta Variant” is just a fancy name for vaccine injury
Just take out the Marxist playbook and turn to the next page, where the “Delta” variant of the China-disease ‘scamdemic’ is now to blame for every upcoming death caused by the Covid-19 vaccines. Beware of the “Delta variant” and the “Beta variant,” but still get the Covid-19 vaccines, if you haven’t, they’re telling everyone. So […]
By S.D. Wells
Democrats have been pushing mask mandates since 1865
Notice how its all the blue states that are still enforcing mask mandates and pushing the hardest for vaccination? The scamdemic is how the election was stolen by the REAL white supremacists (Democrats), who hate Blacks, and Jews, and Christians, and all Americans for that matter. The hooded Democrats are still hard at work cheating, […]
By S.D. Wells
Just two investment firms – Vanguard and BlackRock – own nearly the entire mainstream media and most of Big Pharma, too
The War is in full swing right now, make no mistake about it. We are in the trenches, defending our rights as natural health advocates, to not be jabbed with dangerous, highly experimental vaccines against our will. We are at a crux, and the psychological warfare “game,” should you lose it, has real consequences, including […]
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