By Isabelle Z.
YouTube to add “fact check” propaganda messages to MMR vaccine videos in latest Orwellian attempt to override reality
Not content to stop at banning videos, YouTube has decided to add “fact checks” and quotes to videos on topics that it feels are controversial, and the MMR vaccine is one of them. Last month, the video sharing platform started placing a blurb of text beneath certain videos offering viewers a “scientific” explanation. For example, […]
By JD Heyes
No, Kanye West did NOT say blacks “chose slavery” 400 years ago, and there’s video proof
The Left, and especially libtard hypocrites in the entertainment industry, are continuing their meltdown in response to just about everything rapper Kanye West tweets or says these days after he professed his “love” for President Donald J. Trump. As a black man and especially a rapper, you just don’t do that because we all know […]
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