law enforcement
By Ethan Huff
Jacob Blake is a violent thug, but left-wing media conspires to falsely portray him as an innocent angel
One of the first results that comes up in a Google search for “Jacob Blake” is a propaganda piece written by CNN‘s Leah Asmelash – we will not link to it so as not to support CNN – that paints the guy as some kind of innocent saint who was brutally terrorized by Kenosha police. […]
By News Editors
Televised brutality: Cops raid man’s home for benefit of TV cameras
The controversial reality TV show “Live PD” was recently taken off the air, as the country is beginning to rethink its relationship with police, and how they are being portrayed in the media. Just like the show’s predecessor “COPS,” Live PD has been accused of crossing ethical boundaries in order to get their footage. (Article […]
By Cassie B.
Silence from the mainstream media as police continue to save lives
When police officers do something questionable, the mainstream media and social media are quick to pile on the heat, but when they save people’s lives, the silence is deafening. The mainstream media devotes a lot of coverage to rehashing the same stories of people who were killed by officers but refuses to report on the […]
By News Editors
AG Barr blasts Soros for stoking hatred of Police
“They have started to win in a number of cities and they have, in my view, not given the proper support to the police.” (Article by Tyler Durden republished from That is the warning that Attorney General William Barr has for Americans, as he told Fox News’ Martha MacCallum in a recent interview that liberal billionaire George Soros has been bankrolling radical prosecutor candidates in cities […]
By JD Heyes
Washington Post equates enforcing immigration law with “hard-line” fear-mongering
Left-wing federal judges, lawless city mayors, anarchist city councils, Marxist activists and nearly every member of the Democratic Party have tried to thwart President Donald J. Trump’s efforts to keep Americans safer while religiously upholding immigration laws, but to no avail. The Washington Post became the latest establishment media outlet to grudgingly note that Trump’s […]
By JD Heyes
Washington Post warns that deported illegal aliens will destroy wages in Mexico
With each passing day – especially since Donald J. Trump won the November election – we can see how the formerly “mainstream” media is really nothing but an anti-American propaganda entity representing the Democratic Party. Trump handed Hillary Clinton a second loss in her bid for the White House largely on a single promise: Make […]
By JD Heyes
No, Trump would NOT be the first president to call up the National Guard for immigration enforcement
Presidents can be demanding people, and when they call on various department heads and military chiefs for answers and options, those has better be forthcoming, and quickly. Cabinet chief, military leaders and department heads are all aware of this, which is why they game-plan for every imaginable scenario their respective agencies are responsible for handling. […]
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