Real Video
By Ethan Huff
Jim Stroud explains why he dumped Google for DuckDuckGo – Watch at
Search engine giant Google claims that it doesn’t skew search results in any particular political direction, and that its entire platform is completely neutral when it comes to pulling up information for users. But is this actually true? Jim Stroud from The Jim Stroud Show said that Google is lying about being non-partisan during a recent […]
By Ethan Huff
Watch at as Sarah Huckabee Sanders puts CNN crybaby Jim Acosta in his place
During a recent White House press conference, CNN‘s Jim Acosta accosted Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders about President Trump’s recent rhetoric concerning the dishonest nature of the mainstream media. But she was having none of it. In the following video clip posted to, Sanders fires back at Acosta not only for spreading fake news […]
By Ethan Huff segment exposes corrupt mainstream media for hatefully bashing UK journalist Tommy Robinson following his release from prison
The deep state media in Great Britain and elsewhere is shamefully taking swipes at independent journalist Tommy Robinson, who was recently set free from a horrific prison experience after being illicitly jailed simply for fighting for the rights of his fellow countrymen who are being targeted for elimination by an aggressive Islamic takeover. The Planet […]
By Ethan Huff
Free speech is something we took by FORCE, and the leftist fake news media is trying to steal it from us – WATCH at
There are plenty of brainwashed Americans out there who are under the false impression that free speech is something that was granted to us by the government. To the contrary, free speech is something that our forefathers seized by force from government tyrants who shed a lot of innocent blood trying to control people who […]
By Ethan Huff
American media WORSE than Nazi Germany with constant stream of fake news propaganda – WATCH at
Russia, Russia, Russia! This is the Jan Brady-sounding chant and premiere deflection tactic of Democrats and other Trump-haters whenever some new truth “bomb” hits independent headlines. And none other than the mainstream media is to blame for constantly perpetuating it – this troupe of propaganda-spreaders having earned the title of “presstitutes” by the esteemed Dr. […]
By Ethan Huff
Anti-Trump CNN launches ugly smear campaign against Darla Shine because her husband now works in the Trump White House
Leave it to vehemently anti-Trump “fake news” giant CNN to go after yet another person associated with Donald Trump – this time the wife of White House Deputy Chief of Staff for Communications, Bill Shine. In a segment of his show, available at, Robert Scott Bell defends Darla Shine, revealing that the only reason […]
By Ethan Huff
Ex-KGB officer warns in video posted at that communists are trying to take over the United States
Is there really a communist plot to subvert the United States, as American politician Joseph McCarthy and many others have long warned? Ex-KGB officer and former Kremlin propagandist Yuri Bezmenov, now an American patriot, explains how there absolutely is in an eye-opening talk posted to Bezmenov recalls how he was once among the many […]
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