Treasonous? Fake news outlet CNN appears to encourage Trump assassination to point out that an Obama ‘Cabinet member’ would take over as president

The far Left has become so unhinged in the wake of President-elect Donald J. Trump’s victory over Hillary Clinton in November that its behavior is bordering on the criminal.

And treason.

Discredited fake news outlet CNN is being heavily criticized for a report that seems to suggest there could be an assassination of the president-elect in the offing, and should that happen, an Obama Cabinet pick would be waiting in the wings to take over.

As reported by Infowars, the story, headlined, “Disaster could put Obama cabinet member in the Oval Office,” says there is no specific threat that is targeting the inauguration, but then goes on to fantasize about “who would be in charge if an attack hit the incoming president…just as the transfer of power is underway.”

You can almost feel the dripping resentment for Trump and the hope that something bad would happen to him just so an Obama sycophant could seize the reins of power (and ‘save the country from the disaster of Trump,’ of course).

CNN said that an individual named the “designated presidential successor” will not be at the inauguration as a security precaution, “but it won’t be a Trump cabinet secretary…it will be an Obama appointee.”

The ‘report’ goes on to emphasize that “a president from the prior administration” would then take power if there is an attack because none of Trump’s Cabinet picks have been confirmed yet by the Senate.

According to the fake news network, the designated presidential successor would probably be Tom Shannon, the Under Secretary for Political Affairs and an Obama appointee (thanks for publishing his identity, CNN—good thing you were around to blow the lid off that D-Day invasion during World War II).

CNN teases the potential attack scenario on the inauguration by noting it would create “chaos” and “high theater,” then aired clips from ABC’s weekly series “Designated Survivor,” starring Kiefer Sutherland who plays an obscure Cabinet secretary who is “unexpectedly thrust into the presidency after an attack at the Capitol during a State of the Union Address.”

There have already been a number of death threats against the soon-to-be President Trump, including a family friend of Hillary Clinton, who was arrested after he threatened to assassinate Trump at his inauguration. And, there have also been numerous reports of protests, unrest and property damage being planned for Inauguration Day, which in and of itself could create enough mayhem to threaten the president-elect and members of Congress in attendance. [RELATED: Stay current with potential threats to the civil society at]

We already know that CNN has regularly committed journalistic fraud; has the network crossed another line by drawing attention to this very dangerous scenario? After all, what is even the point of speculating something like this? For CNN’s warped Left-wing ideologues, this is nothing more than wishful thinking disguised as a ‘news story.’

Respondents on YouTube, which were very heavily thumbed down, blasted the network for what could be taken as encouraging an attack on Trump.

“Totally not suggesting anything her, huh CNN?” one person commented, as Infowars reported.

“So leftist terrorists know who they need to take out, so that dems can stay in power? This is irresponsible journalism,” wrote another.

“I flagged this video as dangerous to the president elect, and that it might foment violence,” another poster noted.

This is not unprecedented for CNN, by the way, which has demonstrated amazing bias against Trump from the outset. This is the same network of losers who gave Thomas DiMassio a platform after he rushed a state to violently confront Trump during a campaign event in Ohio last year. [RELATED: Keep current with the new administration at]

DiMassio’s intent? Use violence to “send a message to all people out in the country who wouldn’t consider themselves racist, who wouldn’t consider themselves approving of what type of violence Donald Trump is allowing in his rallies.”

Imagine if Fox News had run this kind of a story on the eve of President-elect Barack Obama’s first inauguration in 2008; the Left-wing establishment media would have exploded with anger. But that’s the point: It’s okay for the journo-terrorists on the Left to publish this kind of garbage and pretend its “news.”

If you’re not boycotting CNN, you’re just encouraging more of this kind of outrageous behavior.

J.D. Heyes is a senior writer for Natural News and News Target, as well as editor of The National Sentinel.

