01/08/2020 / By Ethan Huff
It’s no big secret that the mainstream media is a propaganda oligarchy that feeds the hoodwinked masses a steady diet of fake news aimed at advancing the globalist agenda. And part of this agenda is to make sure that people continue to get vaccinated, which is why The Washington Post hired vaccine propagandist Lena H. Sun as a “national reporter focusing on health.”
While you may not have heard of her specifically, you’ve probably seen her work, or at least the consequences of her work, on social media or in conversations with friends or family members. Sun wrote that ugly hit piece against Dr. Joseph Mercola that the Post published just a few days before Christmas, as well as a series of fear-mongering pieces about an alleged measles outbreak in Samoa.
Sun’s writing resume is filled to the brim with pro-vaccine spin, the goal being to scare Post readers into rushing off to get the latest government-approved jabs. And when she’s not trying to panic her readers into getting themselves and their children vaccinated, Sun stays busy attacking those who present facts that get in the way of her narrative.
On his blog, investigative journalist Jeremy R. Hammond presents four recent examples of Sun shilling for the vaccine industry. He also unpacks why she’s a shill (hint: she’s basically on Big Pharma’s payroll).
In the interest of keeping our readers abreast of what the vaccine industry is up to, including which media sources and personalities it’s using to spread its propaganda, we feel as though you need to know a little bit more about this Lena Sun character and why she’s a danger to you and your family.
While we recognize that most of our readers probably wouldn’t fall for the types of canned disinformation that Sun and the Post are publishing regardless, many others out there are falling for it. This is why you need to equip yourself with the knowledge necessary to provide a proper rebuttal the next time one of Sun’s articles crosses your newsfeed.
In his roundup of Sun’s most egregious work in recent days, Hammond points out that he actually got in touch with Sun personally, as well as the Post.
Concerning a 2017 article Sun wrote containing blatant lies that are easily disproven, Hammond spoke with Sun directly to try to set the record straight. He gave her the chance to issue a correction or retract the article entirely, but she rejected this and did nothing, as did the Post.
In this particular article, Sun claimed that the ever-growing vaccine schedule as dictated by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) “is tested extensively to ensure that the vaccines in the combination don’t interfere with one another and can be easily handled by the infant and the child’s immune system.”
Sun went on to declare that “[n]o new immunization is added to the schedule until it has been evaluated both alone and when given with the other current immunizations.”
These are patently false claims that even the Institute of Medicine (IOM), upon which the CDC itself relies as a source of authoritative information, says is false.
A 2013 IOM report clearly states that “existing research has not been designed to test the entire immunization schedule.” It further adds that “studies designed to examine the long-term effects of the cumulative number of vaccines or other aspects of the immunization schedule have not been conducted.”
This directly contradicts what Sun wrote in her 2017 article about this subject, and Hammond point-blank told her this. But her response was to claim that Hammond has somehow taken these statements by the IOM “out of context,” even though they clearly and undeniably speak for themselves – and that was that.
As of this writing, this bogus article by Sun remains in the Post‘s archives for anyone to read, which only proves once again that the Post, which is now owned by Jeff Bezos of Amazon, is the embodiment of a fake news outlet.
There are many other examples of fake vaccine news that’s been written by Sun and published by the Post over the years, which if you’re interested are available at Hammond’s blog. Children’s Health Defense (CHD) has also published excellent work exposing Sun and the Post as vaccine industry shills.
As to why Sun is agreeing to write vaccine industry propaganda in the first place, the obvious answer is money. The Washington Post is a known propaganda outlet that’s been in bed with Big Pharma since forever – and especially so ever since Beelzebezos took over the place.
Since Amazon itself is in the process of trying to become its own pharmaceutical company, it only makes sense that the “Amazon Washington Post,” as President Trump calls it, continues to churn out the worst kinds of vaccine propaganda that, if readers are actually dumb enough to follow it, could be a death sentence.
Jeff Bezos has been on a crusade for the past several years trying to make Amazon the world’s premier pharmacy, which is why he’s been aggressively removing all vaccine-related content from the platform that opposes the official pro-vaccine narrative. Bezos is also targeting natural supplements, which are a direct competitor to Big Pharma and the vaccine industry.
“The Bezos solution? Unleash propagandists like Lena Sun at the Washington Post to smear natural health pioneers like Dr. Mercola, claiming natural health supplements are ‘un-approved by the FDA,'” writes Mike Adams, the Health Ranger, about the tactic currently in play.
“Lena Sun is, essentially, the ‘vaccine deep state’ propagandist for the CIA front known as the Washington Post, a malicious, anti-America, anti-health, anti-human disinformation rag run by spooks and truly evil people who want the worst for America.”
To keep up with the latest news about Jeff Bezos, Amazon, and The Washington Post, be sure to check out Propaganda.news.
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Tagged Under: big pharma shill, Lena Sun, propaganda, The Washington Post, vaccine propagandist, vaccines