Republicans used as psychopolitical dupes


Mitch McConnell recently announced that there would be no senate hearings concerning Barack Obama’s upcoming supreme court nomination. Americans are on their knees praying that he sticks to his guns and follows through with this promise. For months leading to the 2014 elections, we listened to aspiring politicians spout their love of America while espousing their loyalty to the constitution, only to see them reverse their position immediately after being elected. This has left many Conservatives feeling completely hopeless and ready to leave the Republican Party in search of much-needed leadership.  What many people fail to realize is that the nation has been “marked for conquest” by the Communists and that the Republican Party is under the full influence of those skilled in the Russian art of Psychopolitics. The practice of ridicule, blackmail and bribery are in full swing in Washington D.C., and it’s a safe bet that many key players in the Republican Party are being manipulated in some way, shape or form. Consider the following quote-

“There is the creation of a state of mind in the individual, by actually placing him under duress, and then furnishing him with false evidence to demonstrate that the target of his previous loyalties is itself, the course of the duress. Another portion of this same method consists of defaming or degrading the individual whose loyalties are to be changed to the target of his loyalties, i.e. superiors or government, to such a degree that this target, at length, actually does hold the individual in disrepute, and so does rebuff him and serve to convince him that his loyalties have been misplaced.”  Anton Berea “Brainwashing- A Synthesis on the Russian Textbook of Psychopolitics.”

This paragraph sums it up nicely. Essentially, it can be described like this. We all know that the Republicans have become deathly afraid of going against the welfare state, or appearing to be “uncompassionate.” This is the same idea as rule number five from  Saul Alinsky’s Rules for Radicals.

Ridicule is man’s most potent weapon. It is almost impossible to counterattack ridicule. Also, it infuriates the opposition, who then react to your advantage.

 The left has been so successful in discrediting anything that has to do with conservatism that the Republicans are afraid of standing on their principles out of a fear they will be labeled or racist. Their loyalties have been changed using the tactics listed above to the point that they may actually believe their previous loyalties to liberty and the Constitution were causing them more stress. Just as our young college students are being indoctrinated in the tenants of communism, so too are our politicians expected to demonstrate complete loyalty to the communist state. For decades now, people have been thoroughly brainwashed into the idea that communist ideals are best suited to serve the needs of the masses. So all that is necessary to bring a dissenter’s loyalty into alignment with communist goals is to discredit his compassion for the weakest members of his society to the point where he is publicly humiliated and thoroughly discredited.

Another point to consider is the possibility that many politicians are being blackmailed. Last year, we witnessed former speaker of the House Dennis Hastert (R) attempt to pay off a blackmailer because he stood accused of engaging in sexual activity with young boys as a wrestling coach. The question many commentators are asking is how a person with this kind of track record could get elected to congress in the first place. We may have to consider the possibility that people with skeletons in the closet are deliberately put into positions of power in order to maintain control over them in pursuit of communist goals. Consider the following quote-

Recruitment into the ranks of mental healing can best be done by carefully bringing to it only those healing students, who are, to some slight degree, already depraved, or who have been treated by psychopolitical operatives. Anton Berea “Brainwashing- A Synthesis on the Russian Textbook of Psychopolitics.”

 This means exactly what it says. Psychopolitical operatives working within the U.S. government are actively seeking those who have been corrupted in some manner so they can control them. This seems to be the only logical explanation as to why so many Republicans are willing to just go along without a fight; because they have something to hide.

The promise of unlimited sexual opportunities, the promise of complete dominion over the bodies and minds of helpless patients, the promise of complete lawlessness without detection, can thus attract to mental healing, many desirable recruits who will willingly fall in line with psychopolitical activities. Anton Berea “Brainwashing- A Synthesis on the Russian Textbook of Psychopolitics.”

 The term “mental healing,” when used within the frame work of these quotes actually refers to the arts of psychology and psychiatry. The psychopolitical agenda is one where the arts of mental healing are used to guide a person’s values to the left. Psychologists and psychiatrists are considered skilled facilitators and work to keep people from turning to spiritual means to heal their so-called mental sickness. When it comes to government you could look at it in almost the same way. The mainstream narrative attempts to portray America as a nation plagued with problems, a sick nation if you will. People are being conditioned, through the communist agenda in schools, to see government as a savior to these problems. Psychopolitical dupes, or Lenin’s useful idiots, in other words, are being used to give the impression that moving towards the left, or compromising your values is the enlightened thing to do, thus healing a sick nation. Many of these politicians, McConnell, Ryan and others that show more loyalty to the left than their own constituents, were likely put in power because they have something in their past that the psychopolitical operatives are holding over their heads. Maybe it’s sexual in nature, as was the case with Dennis Hastert, or perhaps they are afraid people will see just how involved they are in creating the current mess in the middle east.  Whatever the case may be, it’s obvious that there are darker hands pushing the actions of key players in government, and the art of psychopolitics is driving the agenda.

To learn more about the psychopolitical agenda and communist indoctrination, check out my book “Not on my watch: Exposing the Marxist agenda in education.”