In 2001 The United States of America launched a war against Islamic terrorism in response to the September 11 terror attacks. To this day, many still claim that it was a conspiracy launched by our own government meant to rush in the supposed “New World Order;” which in all honesty, could hardly be called a conspiracy theory anymore. Looking at the events of the past thirteen years, since the inception of the war on terror, I would have to argue that the conspiracy had more to do with establishing Islamic superiority throughout the world than anything else.
Since that time, Muslims in America have made great progress in establishing themselves as one of the “protected,” oppressed minorities because of the war efforts overseas; and, they have all but taken over Britain. Being profiled as a potential terrorist became the new “N” word and the federal government bent over backwards to accommodate people who hide behind these privileges, while still maintaining their intent to harm Americans. More and more we witness American citizens being called the terrorists while the Obama Administration stacks the ranks with known members of The Muslim Brotherhood, and yet, out of a fear of being labeled “Islamophobic,” vast numbers of Americans, people who have a responsibility to maintain liberty in their nation, turn a blind eye to the danger this represents. After years of indoctrination into multiculturalism, moral relativity and socialist economics, Americans have lost the ability to be objective truth seekers. They fail to see that there are no “conservative Americans” committing acts of terrorism against them. The vast majority of terror attacks are committed by Muslims, and yet they engage in the “Ultimate Betrayal” by allowing the Democrats to call their fellow Americans terrorists.
While Muslims in America are playing the civil rights tactics with great success, our own government is arming radical Muslims overseas, in an effort to overthrow regimes that present an obstacle to the objectives of the Obama administration. By now I would hope that most people see that Obama is an extension of Bush and is working to carry out the same objectives. For instance, the real reasons for the Iraq war was the threat that Saddam Hussein would sell oil for Euro’s instead of the petrol dollar, while Gadhafi had plans to create a gold currency for the entire African continent. These two events would have had drastic effects on the global financial power structure, which I wrote in an article entitled “If this is true then our society is a lie,” is actually being controlled by Saudi Arabia. They are responsible for creating the illusion that the U.S. dollar is the worlds reserve currency, they created the petrol dollar. The petro dollar, as a reminder, is the only viable means for nations to purchase oil.
In Syria, it is becoming increasingly clear that the objective is ethnic cleansing as Muslims are slaughtering Christians, and anyone else who doesn’t go along with the radical Islamist’s agenda. This is where all Americans should be outraged; our government, as noted above, is providing arms to the rebels committing these atrocities! Americans are blinded to it because we have become inundated with propaganda which aims to label us as haters for questioning the motives of Muslims.
Here is where it gets real interesting. Many are aware by now that there is substantial evidence which clearly shows Benghazi was a gun running operation. According to Thomas Eddlem of The New American, the weaponry used in the Benghazi assault was also provided by the U.S. Government. This is all out treason committed by our “elected representatives” folks. Its time to engage the grey matter in your brain housing groups America. Our government is currently going to great lengths to classify patriotic dissenters as terrorists, while attempting to pass laws classifying any speech against Islam as hate speech. The White House is stacked with Muslim Brotherhood operatives, and our own government has been providing arms to the very terrorists they originally sent us over there to fight.
Based on the presented evidence, it is overwhelmingly clear that the September 11 attacks of 2001 were committed to carry out an objective. Since that time we have become numb to the progress that radical Islam has made in influencing our society. It is entirely possible that we have been conditioned to accept this out of a fear of being labeled “intolerant,” or racist. Muslims once claimed that an Islamic flag would fly over the White House one day, I would argue that if it ever did, it would be our own fault for allowing fear and a misguided sense of compassion to become our undoing. We allowed ourselves to become so distracted and divided by liars and people with alternative agendas that we didn’t know what to believe. All the while the real conspiracy has been advancing little by little. America is slowly becoming more “sharia compliant,” and sadly, little is being done to stop it.