/ exclusive. Please cite as the source for using any of the photos shown here.
What follows here are EXCLUSIVE photos from the live stream broadcast today, LIVE, from
SURPRISE! The mass shooting was initiated in a different location from where the mainstream media circus was taking place. This was planned from the start, intending to demonstrate the point that terrorists and violent psych drugs shooters do not pre-announce the location of their murders.
This completely threw off the anti-gun protesters who were flummoxed and couldn’t figure out where to aim their fart and dildo protests (see photos below) because the real (mock) shooting was taking place blocks away! (It’s so easy to distract the media… LOOK, there’s a squirrel!)
Using ketchup to depict fake blood for the fake media:
Notice the cardboard handguns used by the “mock bad guys.”
More bad guys stealing loot from disarmed victims in the gun-free zone:
Anti-gun protesters waved dildos. This young woman had a great attitude and was willing to have some fun by twirling the dildo around for the cameras:
This bizarre little man approached me and announced that he was a gay Latino and that he was afraid of me because my skin was WHITE. In other words, this guy is an admitted racist.
Can you imagine the outrage if I had walked up to a black person and said the same thing to them?
Notice the communist symbolism among the anti-gun protesters:
This dildo-waving woman told me that if ISIS terrorists attacked people on campus, she would call for PEACE!
This is a selfie of me covering the event. I wore a rain-proof cowboy hat and some extra supplies in an A-TACS camo backpack. I was also legally carrying a concealed firearm during this entire broadcast:
A couple of gun rights guys carrying the American flag and talking to reporters:
A protest sign: END gun-free zones:
Anti-gun protesters with their absurd signage: “What FARTS here changes the world.” written in chalked on the sidewalk, next to the body outlines:
Crisis actors preparing to stage the mock mass shooting:
Austin PD cops were awesome. I spent many minutes chatting with them and they were all relaxed, professional and observing without interfering:
“Tim” organized the fart protest. He wears a shirt that reads, “I cum orange” and was standing next to the communist propaganda T-shirt guy. When I asked Tim about his beliefs, he mentioned the First Amendment and Third Amendment, then was shocked that I knew what the Third Amendment says:
These are the “bad guy” actors, showing off their AR rifles. I spoke to a mainstream media reporter who was filming them for the interview, and she said she was “filled with fear” just to be standing near those scary guns. Wow…